Customer Centric & Tailored
Videography Services

We strive to deliver high-quality and visually captivating content that tells compelling stories for our clients and their audiences.

Creative Team

Unlock boundless imagination with our exceptional creative team of visionary storytellers.

Field Expertise

Benefit from our extensive field expertise, honed through years of industry experience.

Timely Delivery

Count on us to deliver every project on time, with our commitment to punctuality.

How it all started...

One day at a coffee shop when two friends met to discuss a project and realized they forgot to carry the notepad, they improvised by pulling a tissue paper from the stack placed on the table and began storyboarding the concept. The thin, delicate tissue paper seemed to have a magical effect and unlocked a hidden gateway to imagination. These ‘Tissue Paper Sessions’ then became a ritual with each tissue paper becoming a canvas to scribble concepts and intricate plans.

We firmly believe that while equipment’s and tools play an important role in the filmmaking process, they are ultimately just a medium to express creativity. The real deal lies in the unique ideas, innovative approaches, and the sheer efforts we put into capturing and presenting captivating visuals. Our team understands that it’s not about having the latest gadgets or the most expensive cameras, but rather about harnessing our creativity to tell compelling stories and evoke emotions.

Tissue Paper Films is here to inspire storytellers everywhere to explore unconventional mediums and find their own unique ways of expressing their creativity.

Our Core Team

Get to know the faces behind our brand and learn why our team is dedicated to providing the best service for our customers.

Geetesh Gawas

Co-Founder & Creative Head

Snehal Jog

Co-Founder & Operations Head

Marija Fernandes

Co-Founder & Marketing Head

Our 4 Step Process

Brief & Brainstorming

Receive a project brief and brainstorm on the possible ways to achieve amazing results.

Quote & Payment

Submit a proposal with a project quotation and receive partial payment as a conformation.

Planning & Execution

Finalize on the shoot schedule, technicalities and execute the project from shoot to edit.

Review & Delivery

Share the first draft for review and submit a final delivery within the promised timeframe.

See What Our Client's Have To Say

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