Video Marketing for Businesses 101

If someone asks you about Lifebuoy, Coca-Cola, or Surf Excel, you are more likely to remember the taglines like  “Tera Sabun slow hai kya”, “Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola”, or “Daag Acche hai”. You don’t recall these lines from any print advertisement or billboard. It’s the magic of TV commercials that makes those lines imprint on your mind for a long time. So what’s so special about TV advertisements? They combine video, jingles, background music, and slogans to deliver a complete story about the brand and make it memorable. The good news is, today video marketing is not restricted to television. There are a number of mediums and social media platforms that can help your business to reach your desired audience without spending crores of money. 

Research shows that the global average for video consumption is 84 minutes daily.  Social media platforms have witnessed a surge in video content consumption. Facebook reported an average of 8 billion daily video views in 2020.YouTube has over 2 billion monthly users. Businesses are using different types of video content to convey information and engage their audience. Some of the popular types of video content include interviews, product reviews & demos, explainers, testimonials, and advertisements. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops have become extremely common in today’s society. That means you don’t have to wait for your potential customers to come to the medium you are advertising on. You can pitch for your products and services while people are browsing the internet for their daily dose of entertainment or information. That’s where video marketing comes in to help you engage your potential customers with unique storytelling.   

From the earliest cave paintings to the modern era of watching videos on platforms like YouTube, visual storytelling has always been a compelling and influential method of educating, sharing, and communicating ideas. Today, visual storytelling utilizes images, videos, and other visual elements to capture attention, enhance comprehension, evoke emotion, and retain memory. Visual storytelling has the power to transcend language and cultural barriers. 

If we look at Swiggy’s Instamart campaign, they connected to their audience by taking advantage of the common man image of one of the well-known actors in Bollywood. They also translated this campaign into multiple regional languages to create a deeper emotional connection.

In today’s online space, there has been a significant rise in videos as a preferred form of content. According to Wyzowl’s State of Video Marketing Survey video is much more desirable than text-based materials. Nowadays Social Media platforms like Instagram and Facebook support reel content and push it to newer audiences. YouTube has emerged as a powerful platform for building brand awareness. Google reports that an impressive 90% of individuals worldwide utilize YouTube to discover new brands and explore various products. One can also monetize a Youtube account by posting consistent quality content and engaging with the audience. Video content can also help with SEO and Google ranking. People are more likely to visit your website by watching a video on YouTube or other social media channels than they are any other type of content. Visitors are also likely to spend more time on your website if you include videos. 

Videos have a unique ability to engage and captivate viewers. Video formats like demos, bts, and testimonials can directly speak to the audience and keep them hooked. Such video content adds educative or entertainment value to the viewer’s life while subtly selling your brand.

Video content is highly shareable on social media platforms, making them an ideal format for reaching a wider audience. People who come across entertaining videos are more likely to share them with their networks, resulting in increased visibility and potential virality.

Studies have shown that videos can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales compared to other forms of marketing content. For example,  a compelling statistic reveals that 74% of users who engage with an explainer video showcasing a product or service eventually make a purchase. This impressive figure shows the persuasive power of video content in driving consumer behavior and influencing buying decisions.

    While videos enhanced communication, increase online visibility, and improve customer engagement there are some disadvantages to video marketing as well.   

Video content generation typically requires more time, effort, and resources

People with hearing impairments or those relying on screen readers for visual content may face challenges in accessing the full content experience. Slow internet connections or limited data plans can hinder the viewing experience and deter some users. 

While video marketing may have its disadvantages, its effectiveness as a powerful marketing tool cannot be ignored. Video marketing is an invaluable asset for businesses seeking to reach and connect with their target audience. So don’t you think it’s time to look for professionals with expertise in filming & video editing to create high-quality videos for you?

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